I've listed all of my videos below in date order, alternatively, visit my YouTube Channel to view them from there.
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In this video I'll show you a very simple mod you can perform that will add audio to the HDMI video picture you get from the RGB2HDMI adapter board for the Amiga.
There's also a some fun with an Arduino and using it's special Input Capture mode so we can accurately measure if there is any lag introduced into the audio OR video signal as a result of using this mod.
If you had (or have) an Amiga, then it's almost 100% guaranteed that you've come across X-Copy at some point, whether to make legitimate backups of games and software, or to "share" copies with friends.
This video takes a deep dive into the product, it's history, how it works, other software that came with it and then we investigate Cyclone, and how the hardware dongles work including a rare Amiga 2000 prototype dongle.
Finally, we spend some time chatting to Christian Bartsch, a former employee of Cachet who has some remarkable insights into what it was like working with cachet.
In a previous video I tested a rather simple dongle that was suppose to provide protection from boot block viruses on the Amiga. In that video I discovered I could completely bypass it's protection making it pointless.
Recently I discovered the Roctec Rocnight, a somewhat more complex device that is suppose to provide much better protection against bootblock viruses and accidental overwriting of data. In this video we'll put it through it's paces and see if we can bypass it too!
A while back I got hold of a Trojan LightGun for the Amiga, and literally the next day I found a Trojan branded light pen too.
So, in this video we're going to take a look at how they work, why you need a CRT for the original ones to operate correctly, something crazy I did for my GCSE's many many years ago, and, the proper way to use these with the Amiga.
So, some of you were having trouble with my new Christmas game? Well, I didn't want it to be too easy, but once you get the hang of it it's actually quite simple..
The first 6-7 levels in this walk through have a few extra hints and tips that will pop up so worth a watch.
A while back I picked up an A590 PCB board, but it didn't come with a case, and had a few of the chips missing too, plus some looked damaged.
So, in this video, I've decided to firstly fully repair the broken board, and then, place it in the most amazing case you've ever seen...
It's getting to that time of the year to decorate a tree with lights, and instead of using some of the boring ones available, I thought I'd have a go at making my own, and I'm going to be using some of the code and ideas from some previous projects.
A while back I came across the Mamba, an after marker Amiga A520 alternative. The A520 is a TV modulator that allows you to connect your Amiga to a TV via its RF or Composite video output.
The A520 was very reliable, so why were there aftermarket alternatives made? In this video, we'll take a look.
Following on from the last video about dual format videos, I thought I'd take a look at the triple format floppy disks. These include content for the Amiga, Atari ST and PC all on the same disk.
In this video I'm going to take a deep dive, deep deep down into the weeds, into how the dual format disks worked that came with the ST-Amiga Format mag back in the day.
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